Steve Bartlam

by Diversified E Solutions Inc

About this Site

This site was put together for the basic reference and documentation of projects I am working. It also gives people an insight to what I do and what I am passionate about. Many people document their work life and personal life on social media sites as it's a great venue and format to work with. I do believe that social media will continue to grow at this extremely fast pace and this is just one more avenue. If you are on this site for business or personal please feel free to check it out and let me know you’re thoughts. I have lots of ideas and I would love to hear yours. I stay very busy with my family and work so here is my site that links it all.

Current Posts or Blogs

Meeting new friends and business acquaintances everyday is the best way to network your business and build strong relationships. You never know what you might learn or from someone you meet or better yet, getting a new perspective. I always try and get as much detail from people in what they do in their day to day job. You can really tell if someone loves what they do or if they just say they love it!!

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